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Keolis Evolve: Helping Transit Agencies Meet Evolving Demand

CJ Bright

Keolis is launching a new product called Keolis Evolve, which is designed to help public transit agencies determine their communities’ unique mobility patterns and the best opportunities for growth in their systems.

The public transportation landscape currently faces a number of short and long-term challenges. From COVID-19 to climate change and transit inequality, transit systems must innovate in order to better serve their communities. Now is the time for transit systems to innovate and address passenger’s expectations of mobility needs. The traditional public transit model must adapt and address the evolving demands of the way people move today. Keolis Evolve helps agencies understand their transit systems through actionable data and expert analysis. The insights it provides create better visibility into how passengers travel and how transit services can meet that evolving demand.

The ultimate goal of Keolis Evolve is to improve mobility in cities across North America, thus enabling the livelihood of the communities we serve. It aims to analyze and present data that will provide a more comprehensive transit network at the same or reduced cost by shifting resources to match the mobility patterns identified. Keolis is dedicated to the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) model, believing that communities are most resilient and prosperous when transit systems are centered around the needs of passengers.

Find out more about how Keolis Evolve is improving transit networks at



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